U.S. Geological Survey

Cover image from OF02-484 (click for enlargement, 71 KB) Guidelines for Characterizing Fish Habitat in Wadeable Streams of the Catskill Mountain region, New York

by Christiane I. Mulvihill, Barry P. Baldigo, Anne S. Gallagher, and Phillip Eskeli

Open-File Report 02-484


Stream-channel stabilization projects are underway in selected streams of the Catskill Mountain region to decrease streambank erosion and the resulting sedimentation of downstream reservoirs that supply drinking water to New York City. This report describes how fish habitats are monitored to document the effects of stream restoration on habitat quality. Emphasis is on describing a habitat-sampling protocol that documents differences in the quality of fish habitats and indices of trout populations and fish-community health. Data-collection forms and an equipment list are included. 

Citation: Mulvihill, C.I., Baldigo, B.P., Gallagher, A.S., and Eskeli, P., 2003, Guidelines for Characterizing Fish Habitat in Wadeable Streams of the Catskill Mountain region, New York: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-484, 17 p.

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