USGS Hydrologic Conditions Maps for Long Island, NY, 2006
Contact: Michael Como (
ph # (631) 736-0783 ext. 120
Note: Latest version, Year 2013, click here
Two user-friendly Map Viewers from U.S. Geological Survey:
USGS Depth-to-Water tool for Long Island, NY, 2006
2. USGS online mapper for water-table altitude, and
potentiometric surface of the Magothy, Jameco, Lloyd, and North Shore aquifers on Long Island, NY, 2006
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with State and
local agencies, systematically collects ground-water data at varying
measurement frequencies to monitor the hydrologic situation on Long Island, New
York. Each year during March and April,
the USGS conducts a synoptic survey of hydrologic conditions to define the
spatial distribution of the water table and potentiometric surfaces within the
three main water-bearing units underlying Long Island—the upper glacial,
Magothy, and Lloyd aquifers.
measurements made in 502 wells across Long Island during March-April 2006, were
made by the wetted-tape method to the nearest hundredth of a foot. Water-table and potentiometric-surface
altitudes in these aquifers were contoured using these measurements.
water-table contours were interpreted using water-level data collected from 341
wells screened in the upper glacial aquifer and (or) shallow Magothy aquifer;
the Magothy aquifer’s potentiometric-surface contours were interpreted from
measurements at 102 wells screened in the middle to deep Magothy aquifer and
(or) contiguous and hydraulically connected Jameco aquifer; and the Lloyd
aquifer’s potentiometric-surface contours were interpreted from measurements at
59 wells screened in the Lloyd aquifer or contiguous and hydraulically
connected North Shore aquifer.
these datasets, all water-level altitudes are referenced to the National
Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29).
Three feature classes depict the potentiometric-surface
altitudes in the upper glacial, Magothy, and Lloyd aquifers. A raster dataset
depicts the estimated depth to water table beneath Long Island.
Download the Data and Metadata
(20.0mb Zip file):
Long Island 2006 Hydrologic Condition GIS Datasets
USGS Report:
USGS Scientific Investigations Map 3066
(abstract & data dwnld instr., four PDF map sheets; scale 1:125,000; 72x34 in.; 45mb each):
Long Island 2006 Hydrologic Condition Maps
Suggested citation:
Monti, Jack, Jr., and Busciolano, Ronald, 2009, Water-Table and Potentiometric-Surface Altitudes in the Upper Glacial, Magothy, and Lloyd Aquifers beneath Long Island, New York, March-April 2006: U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Map 3066, 4 sheets, scale 1:125,000,
Summary Handout for report USGS SIM 3066:
8.5x11 PDF
11x17 PDF