Upstate New York Surficial Aquifer Mapping Program
Contact: John Williams (
ph # (518) 285-5670
Description: In 2006, the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS) cooperatively funded a Brownfield and Groundwater GIS Program as
required by the 2003 legislation that established a Brownfield Cleanup Program
(NYS Assembly Bill 9120). The NYSDEC
developed an implementation plan for the Brownfield and Groundwater GIS
Program, and one action identified in that plan was the development of spatial
datasets of the aquifer maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey Detailed
Aquifer Mapping Program.
The USGS has mapped over 30 sand and gravel aquifers in upstate New York at the
1:24,000-scale since the 1980's. The following enhancements were made in the
creation of the georeferenced map layers:
1) The surficial-geology mapping units
were standardized to NYS Geological Survey nomenclature,
2) The aquifer boundaries were redrawn to include adjacent areas
of permeable material hydraulically connected to the primary or principal
aquifer, and
3) Adjacent maps were edgematched,
preserving the original geologic interpretations from over 25 authors. An
effort was made to standardize codes of adjacent and overlapping map units.
However, in some cases inconsistencies in standard codes exist across
edge-matched areas in order to preserve the author's original geologic
To further increase applicability, the map layers contain original
mapping units and aquifer boundaries as well as the new standardized mapping
units and updated aquifer boundaries.
The original published aquifer maps contain additional base and geologic
information not included in these map layers.
The published aquifer maps are available for download in their entirety
from the USGS Publications Warehouse (
View the Metadata (0.4 MB html) NY_Aquifer Metadata
Download the Data
Option 1: Compressed binary XML workspace document (21.2 MB Zip file): NY_Aquifer Mapping xml
To import the XML workspace
document into a geodatabase, do the following steps:
1) Uncompress the Zip
2) Create a new personal geodatabase.
3) In the ArcCatalog tree, right-click the new geodatabase, point to import and open the Import XML
Workspace Document Wizard.
4) Use the wizard to import the XML schema and data into the geodatabase.
Option 2: Compressed personal geodatabase (16.6 MB Zip file): NY_Aquifer Mapping mdb
Interactive Map Viewer:
Map view of over 30 sand and gravel aquifers in upstate
New York (Note: Zoom-in to purple-shaded areas for detailed 1:24,000 scale aquifer maps.
Use the Map Identify tool, "i", to display links to related on-line reports.):
Start the Interactive Map Viewer
History of the Detailed Aquifer Mapping Program
Publications on the Ground-Water Resources of Upstate New York