Documentation of PICKINGmodel computer program
by Kate Klusman and Allan D. Randall
A computer program developed to automate analysis of brief single-well pumping tests is described in the following paper: Klusman, Kate, 2004, A procedure for automated analysis of brief pumping tests of domestic wells: Ground Water, vol. 42, no. 6, p. 945-948.
The following files are made available here to further document that paper, and to allow readers to download and apply the program.
Figure 1a and Figure 1b -- PDF files encompassing two figures from Klusman (2004).
pickingalk.f,,, -- The original source code for PICKINGmodel and three referenced include files.
pickingalk.exe -- Executable version of PICKINGmodel as compiled on PC using Windows NT4.0 at USGS office, Troy, N.Y. Also compatible with WINXP and WIN2K.
alpha -- File containing 5 alpha values used as input to PICKINGmodel for each model run for test 139.
out139.6e-3a-pc -- Output from pickingalk.exe using enclosed alpha file, well radius of 0.25 ft, pumping time of 74 seconds, final recovery time of 10,000 seconds, and transmissivity of 0.0006 ft2/second. (Results are the same as type-curve values in spreadsheet page out139.6e-3a in test139.xls.)
test139.xls -- Excel spreadsheet containing all output and curve matching for test 139. All type-curve values herein were generated by PICKINGmodel runs on a Sun microcomputer using OS5 operating system.
The following open-file report includes a rationale for undertaking brief pumping tests of domestic wells, a description of field procedures for such tests, and transmissivity values calculated by PICKINGmodel and two alternative methods for 26 individual wells:
Randall, A.D. and Klusman, Kate, 2004, Analysis of minimally disruptive brief pumping tests of domestic wells completed in bedrock in the Appalachian Plateau of New York: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1276.
This report may be accessed at
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