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Hurricane Sandy -- (10/29/2012)

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Evaluation of a barrier-island breach created by Hurricane Sandy at Fire Island National Seashore, N.Y.

Storm Summary

Notice: 14NOV12 - The USGS is monitoring barrier island breaches in cooperation with the National Park Service.

Coastal Storm Surge

Notice: 17DEC12 - A provisional table of peak storm-tide elevations produced by Hurricane Sandy and historical peak water-level elevations, dates of occurrence, and periods of record at 13 U.S. Geological Survey estuary stations in southeastern New York has been made available.

Notice: 14NOV12 - The USGS has recovered most of the 38 storm-surge sensors, 4 wave-high sensors, 10 barometric-pressure sensors, and 4 rapid-deployment gages that were deployed prior to Hurricane Sandy's arrival. This work will be carried out by teams from the New York, Georgia, and North Carolina Water Science Centers. In addition, these teams marked and are surveying over 300 high-water marks in the region to document this record flooding event. Information about high-water marks and data retieved from these instruments are posted for display on the storm tracker found on the Hurricane Sandy Storm Tide mapper.

Tidal water-elevation stations, rapid deployment streamgages and some streamgages recorded water level data and transmitted those data on a real time basis. A list of those gages can be found on the USGS Storm tide and Rapid deployment streamgages page.

Provisional peak data from 10 existing USGS coastal gages in southeastern New York are shown below. All USGS these tidal water-elevation stations recorded levels above the National Weather Service major coastal flood elevation.

Hudson River - Hurricane Sandy storm-surge high-water-marks are plotted here relative to historic water elevations.

Many good references and resources can be found on our Flood Information page. Other storm related links are;
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration StormCentral
National Weather Service National Hurricane Center
National Weather Service Northeast River Forecast Center
National Weather Service Watches, Warnings or Advisories for New York
USGS Current Conditions for New York: Streamflow
USGS Hurricane Sandy Information
Google Super Storm Sandy

McCallum, Brian E., Wicklein, Shaun M., Reiser, Robert G., Busciolano, Ronald, Morrison, Jonathan, Verdi, Richard J., Painter, Jaime A., Frantz, Eric R., Gotvald, Anthony J., 2013, Monitoring storm tide and flooding from Hurricane Sandy along the Atlantic coast of the United States, October 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1043, 48 p.

Simonson, A.E., 2013. From Montauk to Manhattan - Measuring Storm Tide and High-Water Marks caused by Hurricane Sandy in New York [abs.], in Association of Long Island Geologists, 20th Conference on the Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY, April 13, 2013,

A.E. Simonson and R. Behrens, Measuring Storm Tide and High-water Marks Caused by Hurricane Sandy in New York. In: J. Bret Bennington and E. Christa Farmer, editors: Learning from the Impacts of Superstorm Sandy, Oxford: Academic Press; 2015, p. 7-19. ISBN:978-0-12-801520-9 © Copyright 2015 Elsevier Inc. Academic Press.

Schubert, C.E., Busciolano, Ronald, Hearn, P.P., Jr., Rahav, A.N., Behrens, Riley, Finkelstein, Jason, Monti, Jack, Jr., and Simonson, A.E., 2015, Analysis of storm-tide impacts from Hurricane Sandy in New York: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015–5036, 75 p.,

For additional information contact Ron Busciolano, Chris Schubert, or Gary Wall at the USGS New York Water Science Center.